Hey everyone! I am a simple teenage girl from New Zealand with a lot on my mind. I attend school, hang out with my friends – easily get distracted with social media. I like to think of writing as my second life, as well as reading. I could read a good book all day and never get bored because they take you into a world you have not previously stumbled upon, or allow you to enter the world from a new perspective. Reading is my largest motivator for writing because I get so inspired by stories and different writing styles from a range of authors. I hope to be a journalist one day, and even possibly write a novel someday. But for now, I’ll start with this blog. On here I will be posting creative writing pieces, some articles, and maybe even some short entries from interesting events in my life. Feel free to comment – no negative behaviour is encouraged – and offer productive feedback! Hope you all enjoy this journey! Maddy.